
The Sorceress' Apprentice

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Dinah watched Zatanna bustle around the changing room, getting ready. She was sat in a chair, on the other side of the room, one leg folded over the other, fiddling with her tights while the magicain was occupied.

Checking her appearance, making sure her outfit was in proper order, and finally doffing her top hat. She took some time on that, sitting it just so, tilted at an angle slightly, in a manner Dinah found more than a little cute.

The raven-haired magician bent forward, peering into her mirror. Fixed her strap-on bowtie, buttoned up the white bodice she wore over her crisp, white shirt, in turn over the shiny black one-piece that made up most of her outfit. Dinah lingered on that a bit, the way it hugged her figure, the way the light caught the material, highlighting the curve of her behind. She was more than a little attracted to the sheen of her dark, fishnet tights, stretched smoothly over her long legs, down, down to-

“It's nice of you to drop by, Di, but what brought you?” Zatanna asked, suddenly, without turning around. “Gotta be more than my ass.” The sorceress' eyes met hers in the mirror.

Dinah blinked, momentarily caught out, and blushed a little. She was between a lot of things, at the moment. Jobs, teams, direction...she was looking for something. She was looking for a friend. More than a friend, maybe.

“I wanted to ask if you wanted to get dinner with me sometime, Zee.” Dinah replied, honestly.

She'd tried everything else, and found that sometimes just saying what you wanted to say was the least painless way to do things.

Zatanna blinked, surprised, and turned around, resting on the desk.

“Like a date?” She asked, quickly. “I didn't” Zatanna plucked her hat off, toying with it distractedly.

“Well, yeah.” Dinah shrugged, smiling. “We've been friends for ages, we get on really well, I just figured...I thought I'd ask, you know?”

“I've noticed you looking.” Zatanna grinned, slightly. “From time to time.”

Dinah panicked for a moment, had she totally misjudged this? The last thing she'd wanted to do was make her friend uncomfortable.

“Zee, I'm sorry if-” She started, sitting up.

“It's not unwelcome.” Zatanna said, her eyes meeting Dinah's. “I'd love to.”

“Oh.” Dinah slumped back in her chair again, relieved. “Good, great. Good!” She beamed, clasping and unclasping her hands. She hadn't noticed how tense she'd been.

“You can wait around, if you like. I've got a rehearsal for a show to run through, but we can go somewhere after?” Zatanna threw her a smile, put her top hat back on and pulled on her long-tailed evening coat, and made for the door.

Dinah's eyes followed as she went, and if she noticed slightly more of a wiggle to her hips, she tactfully decided not to mention it.

“Can I watch?” She asked, lips curling slightly.

Zatanna threw her a look, at the door.

“I think you've watched enough, Di.” The sorceress winked, and slipped out.

Dinah stared at the door a full minute before any other thought entered her head.

All in all, she thought that had gone pretty well.

“Dinah, hel-mmppph!” Zatanna yelled, from down the hall, only to be cut off abruptly.

Dinah was on her feet. She grabbed her leather jacket off the back of the chair, threw it on and rammed the door open, bursting out into the wall. She ran down the hall, boots thudding down the empty corridor as she made for the stage. Zee had been heading for it, she just had to-

Just as she broke out from backstage, onto the stage itself, the few dim lights that had been on overhead, and above the seating area, all snapped off, plunging the theatre into darkness. She struggled to a halt, dropping into a combat stance, ready, and alert.

“Mmmpph-mmpphh!” She heard a muffled voice, from somewhere. It sounded like Zatanna, but-

There was a rush of air, and a squeaking sound, like one of the old pulleys above. Dinah went to stare up into the oily black above, when-

“Unnhh!” She moaned, as something heavy struck her on the back of the head and she fainted.

“WAKEY WAKEEEEYYY!” An annoying, grating voice rattled around Dinah's aching head.

She forced her eyes open, and found herself blinded by the glare of lights overhead for her trouble. As the blurry spots faded, she saw someone leaning over her. Strange, thin face, the pale, white, vacuous stare of a mask, a bizarre, bluish tinted skin and neaty, greying, white hair. A thin, tidy moustache, and a pointed goatee.

“Mmmmpph.” Dinah groaned, and found she'd been gagged. Her mouth felt dry, and stuffed with cloth, and another had been tied tightly over her lips, sealing it in.

Mumbo Jumbo. This had to be a joke. Had he got tired of pestering the Titans?

“The early bird catches the worm, or another bird in this case!” Mumbo laughed, gleefully, dancing away from her.

Dinah took stock while she had the chance. Her arms were bound to her sides, with ropes. Coils of them, over her chest, and torso. More tied her legs together, thighs knees and ankles. She squirmed a little, testing them, only to find she'd been strapped down to some sort of table, too.

“Mmpphh!” She heard another muffled voice, and glanced to the side, upward.

Zatanna was strung up to the rafters, bound head to foot in hideous, garish, brightly coloured handkerchiefs all knotted together in some sort of absurd chain, like from the...the trick. They were wound all around her body, and she wriggled and squirmed against them helplessly. Zee had been thickly gagged with more of the handkerchiefs. The top scarf, a bright, lime green one , covering her friend's mouth and nose positively bulged over the extent of whatever she was gagged with beneath.

“Mmpphhh!” Dinah grunted, determinedly. “Mmmpphh hmmpph!” She nodded at Zatanna, trying to assure her everything was fine.

Zatanna didn't look wholly convinced, nor was Dinah, to be fair.

“A canary has a musical cry, but ours is a little more dangerous.” Mumbo sang, in that wheedling tone. “Let's make sure her gag is a little more secure, shall we? Mumbo Jumbo!”

He waved his wand, and out of his sleeve flew a number of colourful scarves and handkerchiefs, equally as hideously garish, patterned and painfully bright as the ones binding and gagging Zatanna.

“Mmpph!” Dinah tried to turn her head away, but she was trapped, helpless.

One by one, the scarfs and handkerchiefs wrapped around her face, over her mouth, one after the other, layer by layer, knotting neatly and tidily behind her head. Each one smothering her slightly more. The last one, a bright blue and white polka-dotted hankerchief, covered her mouth and nose entirely.

“Mmpph-nnmmph!” Dinah moaned, considerably quieter.

With both of them bound, and gagged like this, even a two-bit loser like Mumbo was dangerous. She shared a sympathetic look with her friend, and Zatanna nodded, understandingly.

Sometimes it really sucked when the bad guys knew you needed to open your mouth to use your powers.

“Well, well, here we all are!” Mumbo ranted, laughing manically. “Zatanna Zatara, magician extraordinaire and her fabulous assistant, the Black Canary!”

Wait, what? Assistant?

“Mmphh!” Canary growled, struggling against her bondage in earnest, now. She didn't like the sound of where this was going.

“I'm a big fan, sorceress...sort of.” Mumbo turned toward Zatanna. “But I felt like you could do better, and so I thought I'd stop by and show you how a real magician does it. Fortunately for both of us, we have such a lovely volunteer to help us out!” He turned to her now, grinning sharply and rubbing his hands together, gleefully.

“Mmppgghh!” Zatanna shook her head, pleadingly. “Hhmmpph!”

“Oh don't worry, I'll have your lovely Canary returned to you, safe and sound, all in one piece.” The mad magician strolled to the table, patting her gagged cheek condescendingly. “Or two pieces? Three? Mumbo Jumbo!”

He snapped his fingers, and a weird, glowing saw like you'd get in a lumber mill was hovering overhead.

Oh rats, Dinah gulped.

“Mmmpphh!” Zatanna wriggled  and writhed, protesting adamantly.

“And let's do something about this stage, shall we? How drab a stage for our grand show!” Mumbo rattled on, waving his wand again.

The stage changed, in a series of odd pops. The lights began to move, motion, following Mumbo. The curtains and background took on various colours decorations and other props, some of which Dinah didn't like the look of, appeared around the stage.

“Mmpph!” Zatanna growled, furiously, thrashing against her bondage, above the stage.

Mumbo turned on Dinah again, once he was finished. He cocked a grin, and shot a wry look back at Zatanna.

“How about an outfit more befitting our stunning assistant, sorceress?” Mumbo sniggered. “I have a feeling you won't mind?” He cackled, and waved his wand again.

There was a dull pop, for a moment Dinah couldn't see, but then it was over and...good grief.

Her leather jacket was gone, her heavy boots were gone, her fishnet tights were gone and even her old leather one-piece...gone. In their place, she had a pair of knee-high leather heeled boots, elbow-length black gloves, and a rather low cut black bodice which left her shoulders entirely bare. And a black choker at her neck.

“Mmmpphh!” Dinah scowled at Mumbo, furiously.

She noticed Zee was looking at her with an expression of intrigue. Interest, even. Maybe a little more than interest. In fact, she couldn't be sure, but the sorceress might even have been blushing. Oh, that was so sweet...

“On with the show!” Mumbo wailed, excitedly, waving his arms in the air. “Mumbo Jumbo!” He snapped his fingers.

Oh, yeah. The saw. Right. Uh-oh.

“Mmpphh!” Dinah mumbled through her heavy gag, struggling back and forth, against the ropes.

She tried desperately to roll one way, or the other, out of reach as the saw descended, sliding one way, then the other, then the other, getting lower and lower...

“Hhrrrmmppph!” Dinah hollered, into her gag, as she strained against the ropes binding her, tying her to the table. The saw was so close! “Mmmrrppph!” She clenched her eyes closed.

“Mmrrmmpph Rrrmmpph!” Zee cried, garbled by her own gag.

“You're so right, Zatanna. This trick is overdone.” Mumbo said, sounding bored. “Mumbo Jumbo!”

There was another quiet pop. Dinah felt different, all of a sudden. When she opened her eyes, she realised why.

She was inside a box.

“Mmmpph?” Dinah mewled, wearily.

She was stood up at least, but her hands were bound behind her, with more ropes around her upper arms and chest, and others binding her legs. The box was taller than she was, and a little wider. She had a tiny bit of wiggle room at least, hardly enough to struggle with her bonds though.

“What do you think, supreme sorceress?” Mumbo laughed, from somewhere out of view. “No smoke, no mirrors, no strings attached!”

“Mmrrpphh!” Zee called, worriedly.

Suddenly the box jerked sideways, and Dinah was spun around in circles, rapidly.

“Hmmmpphh!” She protested, feeling nauseous, as it came to a gradual stop.

“Have you ever seen a Canary disappear? Let's try!” Mumbo's freaky face appeared in the window of the box, grinning broadly. “Mumbo Jumbo!” He rapped his wand hard on the box, giving her already-fragile head more to deal with.

Suddenly, everything went black. A similar, quiet pop was all she'd heard, then...nothing. Nothing anywhere. No box, no stage, no sign of anything. And she was so cramped up, all squashed and bundled into some sort of small, confined space.

“Mmmppghh?” Dinah called, through the layers of scarves and handkerchiefs gagging her. “Mmmppphhh! Rrmmppphh!” She yelled, louder.

At the edge of her hearing, as if from far away, she was sure she heard voices. Muted, dulled, though. One of them sounded like Zee's gagged cries, though. What if-

All of a sudden, she was tumbling down a near-vertical slope, and faster, and then falling, and-

“-mmmrrpph?” Dinah moaned, in disbelief.

She was upside down, and back on stage...almost. Peering around she saw Zatanna, staring wide-eyed, and there was Mumbo holding his hat and...

...and she was in the hat.

“Our lovely assistant seems to be stuck.” Mumbo sniggered. “Perhaps she needs to trim-”

“Ppphhrrmmpph rrrmpph!” Dinah interrupted their tormentor, at the end of her tether.

“Well, perhaps not. Mumbo Jumbo!” He smirked, and slapped the top of the hat.

“Mmmmrrrphhh!” Dinah yelped, as she shot out of the hat and crashed to the stage in a tangled heap.

She was having the worst, worst, worst day.

“Mmmpphh!” Zee mumbled, still straining against her own captivity from above.

Dinah noticed that Zatanna was actually getting somewhere, though. Her gag looked looser. If she had enough time, if she could get her gag off, then...

“Not impressed, huh? Tough crowd.” Mumbo shrugged, putting his hat back on. “Oh well, on to the next act!”

...but that meant Dinah keeping the raving lunatic busy, and from thwarting Zee's efforts.

“Mmpphh!” Dinah struggled, on the floor, trying to roll onto her side.

“Mumbo Jumbo!” Mumbo sneered.

Pop, again. And then she was-


“MMMPPPGGHHH-” Dinah cried out, as she crashed down into the tall, narrow tank of water. “Mmmggghhh!” She managed to moan, eyes blurred by the water.

Her arms were wrapped around her front, body snared in a straitjacket. Chains, actual chains were wrapped around her arms, body, and legs, all over. She struggled fitfully, fast running out of breath. It was made all the worse by the heavy, layered gag, which quickly soaked up a lot of water making it nearly impossible for her to breathe.

She could barely hear Mumbo, or Zee, outside the tank. She fought, struggled with the jacket as hard as she could. She elbowed, shouldered, kicked at the sides of the tank, but it was no use. Her strength was failing, moving more sluggishly. Head getting heavier...

“Mmmmpppphhhh...” She moaned, weakly, eyes growing heavy, vision clouding...


And then she was out again. Dinah shook her groggy head, blinking in surprise. She was dry too, like it had never happened.

Definitely had though, if her heart thumping in her chest was any judge.

“Mmpphh!” Zatanna moaned, from above again. She sighed in relief. Dinah saw she'd managed to work free more of the handkerchiefs gagging her.

Dinah turned her attention back to herself. She was strapped to a stand of some sort. Her arms pulled up above her head, and her legs stretched taut, bound to the bottom.

“Wasn't that exciting? You might be the best assistant I've ever had Canary.” Mumbo leered at her, standing mere inches away, frustratingly close.

“Mmpphh!” She growled, straining against her bonds, but he might as well have been a mile away for all she could move.

“For my next trick, one that the amateur should certainly never attempt, I will attempt the blindfolded knife-throwing!” Mumbo cried, gleefully, turning on his heel and marching away. “One should never try this without an assistant who trusts completely in the practitioner, and their skill.”

“Mmmrrppphh!” Dinah snapped, furiously. She certainly didn't trust the madman, but she suspected that was the point.

Mumbo snapped his fingers, and a blindfold appeared on his face. Not to mention a sizeable quantity of massive, sharp knives in his hands.

“...mmpph.” Dinah gulped, shrinking back, suddenly feeling very exposed. Even more than her ludicrous outfit already did.

She glanced up at Zatanna, a touch imploringly, willing her to free herself of her gag faster. Zatanna was trying to work her gag free in earnest now, with Mumbo blindfolded and focused on her.

“Mmmph!” Zee moaned, frantically.

“And a one!” Mumbo flicked one of the knives to his right hand and tossed it.

“Mmmph!” Dinah squeaked, as it buried itself in the wood above her shoulder.

“And a two!” Mumbo repeated the action, and a knife came sailing her way.

Thud. Into the wood inches from her underarm.

“Mmmpph!” She frantically tried to edge further away from it. “Mmmpph!” Dinah mumbled, glancing up and trying to get Zee's attention.

But the magician was gone. Only an empty string of knotted, colourful handkerchiefs dangled from the rafters.

“And a thr-” Mumbo started, tossing up another knife.

“Enogeb sevink.” Zatanna said, suddenly, appearing behind Mumbo. She smiled at Dinah, arms crossed over her chest.

She looked tired, flustered, and tense, but to Dinah she looked like the most wonderful thing in the world.

“What!” Mumbo jumped back, in fright, tearing his blindfold off. “Zatanna, but how-”

“Yranac kcalb esaeler.” Zee waved a hand, toward her, keeping her scowl fixed on Mumbo.

“Mmmph!” Dinah gasped, as the restraints on her hands and feet came loose, and she dropped to the floor, in an unsteady crouch.

Mumbo jumped again, in shock, spinning to face her, face twisted in terror as she managed to stand, once the feeling had started to come back to her limbs after being tied up so long.

“N-now come on, Canary? It was just a bit of fun, right?” Mumbo stammered, backing away, hands raised and shaking.

Dinah took a slow, calculated step toward the cowering performer. And another. She pulled one scarf down from her mouth, then another, and another.

“Nothing personal?” Mumbo murmured, wincing. He could back up no further, bumping into an equally unimpressed-looking Zatanna.

“Nothing personal.” Dinah growled, through gritted teeth, as she tugged free the last handkerchief and spat out a mouthful of damp cloth. “Zee? Do you mind?” She eyed her friend.

“Be my guest.” Zatanna took a step back, and to the side.

“Wait, pl-” Mumbo plead.

Dinah dug her feet in and let loose with her Canary Cry. The walls shook and the floor rumbled. Dust fell from the ceiling above. The sonic screech filled the empty theatre and Mumbo all but disappeared as he was catapulted back across the theatre, and...through the wall at the back.

A Mumbo-ish shape was left, in the crumbling wall. Zatanna took her hands from her ears, shaking her head and whistling, playfully.

“Forgot what it was like being on the wrong side of that, girl.” Zee snickered, stopping beside her.

Dinah coughed, patting her chest and rolling her shoulders.

“I don't know about you, but a drink would hit the spot right about now.” She suggested.

“Like that?” Zee's eyes trailed up and down her body, teasingly. “I know we kinda dress up for a living, but you might cause some comment at my local bar.” The sorceress chuckled.

Dinah glanced down at her 'new' outfit and grimaced.

“Damn it, I swear that freaky weirdo is gonna get it when I-” She started toward the ruined wall, but Zatanna laid a hand on her shoulder, gently.

“You know, we could always spend the evening at my place, Di. I'm sure I could throw together something nice, maybe crack open a bottle of red, break out a candle or two...”

Dinah paused. She hadn't expected that. Zee had seem surprised when she'd asked her out earlier, but she seemed a lot more confident all of a sudden. And the dark-haired sorceress hadn't been able to keep her eyes off her since Mumbo had...well. She had to admit, it was a little flattering.

“Yeah?” Dinah replied, deciding to follow her friends' lead.

“I've been known to work a bit of magic.” Zatanna waggled her gloved fingers.

“That's so cheesy.” Dinah laughed. “But that sounds good.”

“Good.” Zee nodded, happily. “We don't have to go out on the town to have a bit of fun.” She stepped closer to Dinah, very definitely closer.

“No?” Dinah smiled, liking where she thought this was going. At last.

“No.” Zee's hand touched her chin, ever so lightly. “In fact, you keep that outfit on for the night, Di, and I can promise you something special.” Her friend leaned closer, her face mere inches away, close enough to feel her breath.

“Special?” Dinah breathed.

Suddenly, she had no problem with the clothes.

“I've got a bit of a hobby, and I have a feeling you might enjoy it too, in the right company.” Zatanna pressed her lips to her own in a kiss, quickly, softly, and pulled back. “Yranac kcalb pu eit.” The sorceress murmured, playfully, and waved a hand lazily toward something behind her.

Hobby? What hobby. Well, whatever it was, Dinah felt absolutely sure Zee was the perfect company to...wait, what had she just said?

“Zee, wha...hey!” Dinah yelped, as she was suddenly wrapped up in the very string of knotted, colourful handkerchiefs that had bound her friend earlier. They whipped up around her, from her feet, to her legs, her torso, and around her arms and hands, binding her quickly. “H-heeyyy...” She wobbled, unsteadily, trying to keep her balance and failing.

Zatanna's hand was quickly around her waist, holding her steady, and pressing her much closer to her friend.

“Trust me. Tonight will be a night to remember.” Zee grinned, removing her hat and dropping it onto her head, pushing it down. “Trust me?”

Dinah wobbled slightly, testing her new bonds, but they weren't going anywhere. And did she want them to really? All told, her evening was looking up more all the time.

“You are so the right company, Zee.” Dinah grinned back, from under the hat.

“On to my place then, lovely assistant.” Zatanna smirked, lifting a hand, ready to snap her fingers.

“About this 'assistant' thing...”

“Yranac eht gag.” Zatanna quipped, with a ready smile.

“Hey, don't you d-mmmpphhh!” Dinah protested, as multiple scarfs and handkerchiefs wrapped around her face, gagging her again. “Hhrrmmph!”

“Points for good behaviour.” Zee teased, leaning close and kissing her on the cheek.

Dinah shrugged, sighed, and rolled her eyes. It wasn't so bad, really. Not right now, and not with...she glanced at Zee, smiling back at her...the right company, at least.

The things she did for a date.
I just wanted to have some fun with this one. You may notice it's relatively light on plot, but I made it super high on DID content.

I reckon everyone has those superheroes/heroines who just...hit that kink spot. For me it was always Black Canary as a kid. I don't know, I guess it was the leather biker thing and the fishnets. Simple design, but bizarrely eye-catching, back then. And Zatanna kinda fit the same bill. And then when you're kinda finding your footing, coming to terms with your own kinks and fetishes, particlarly when you realise you're into bondage, suddenly it occurs to you that both of them wind up captured, tied up, and gagged fairly often.

My young mind wasn't truly prepared.

So what do you get when you throw the pair of them together? Genius. Throwing the pair of them together in a DID story? Sheer gold.

Anyway, I'll be away for a week or so, but I wanted to leave one last, special story to tide you guys over. Thanks for reading!
© 2017 - 2024 Lady-Distracto
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Warrigalla's avatar

I loved the 1970s Black Canary costume ! Besides looking smoking hot, it was also practical for a quick costume change when circumstances demanded it simply by concealing it under a turtleneck and flared pants or jeans :D

Oh and she's been in these scrapes before !

Black Canary Flash Comics 104